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Supplier Relationship Policies
Supplier Relationship Policies ...

Supplier Terms & Conditions, Policies and Procedures

Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Preparedness In our industry it is important to establish and maintain emergency plans, train employees and contractors on the plan, provide appropriate guidance and ensure an organized response to any emergency situation. Below are links to information you may find helpful in preparing for an emergency. For information regarding Emergency Preparedness and Response visit: Chemical & Hazardous Material Information Clickhere to access the PHMSA - Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Emergency Response Guidebook. Clickhere to access the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Hurricane Preparedness The purpose of implementing a hurricane preparedness plan is to provide reasonable measures to safeguard shoreside and shipboard employees, maintain normal business operations as long as possible, and resume normal operations as soon as possible. It is the intent of ...

Prospective Suppliers

Contracted/ Active Suppliers

Standard PO Terms & Conditions
Standard Purchase Order Terms & Conditions ...

About Supply Chain Management
Royal Caribbean Group (RCG) Supply Chain Management We have a common passion for creative thinking, innovative engineering and outstanding guest service that drives continuous improvement in everything we do. The entire Royal Caribbean family is committed to the legacy of hospitality and culture of innovation that is at the core of our guest service, the protection of our natural environment and responsible citizenship in our global community. Our Vision We dream at RCG. We look beyond the now, sensing and feeling and intuiting what could be. As a company and as individuals, we feel compelled to ask this question: What if? What if we could build an ice rink on a cruise ship? What if we could blow glass at sea? What if we could take people to places they never thought theyd see? What if? More than 40 years ago, we set out to create ships that astound and experiences that amaze. The road from dream to reality has been filled with hypo ...

Supplier Code of Conduct
Click below link to load RCCL Investors web page: ...

Secure Supplier Portal Administrator Information
Secure Supplier Portal Administrator The Supplier Portal Administrators role and responsibilities include: User Management: The Administrator will have access rights to create/modify/delete Users (Multiple Users) for your organization. This eliminates dependency on RCL enabling your organization to manage employee access RCGsecured content. The Users created by the Administrator will have full access to the Portal, with one exception the User Management tools. Only Active Suppliers with a unique RCGSupplier ID may request Supplier Portal Administrator changes. To request a change to your Supplier Portal Administrator set-up kindly email the following required information to The email subject line must state "Supplier Portal Administrator Request". Company Legal Name: Full Name of the Primary Contact at Royal CaribbeanGroup: E-mail address of the Primary Contact at Royal Caribbean Group: Supplier Portal Administrator Full Nam ...

Invoice Tracking
Invoice Tracking - Vendor Self Service Our Vendor Self Service (VSS) site is available for all our active suppliers. This is a highly secured site which requires its own distinct user name and password. To request access to the Supplier Self Service system please contact your Primary RCGRelationship Owner (The person that you do business with) which will submit an internal form to request access in your behalf. For Password Reset: Please email your Login IDand send the request to vendor self service ( Note: Only one USER ID and PASSWORD will be assigned per company so please have your contact person share this information with other users. · After a month if you don't log in the password will need to be reset so please keep it active as we dont want to reset your ID monthly. If after 3 months there is no activity, the access will automatically be disabled. VSS - Invoice Tracking allows active suppliers secured access to review open ...

Royal Caribbean Group's Web Commerce Portal WebEC is available to active RCGsuppliers. The web commerce portal requires a unique RCGusername and password to access the site. Clickhere to access WebEC or copy and paste the URL below into a browser window: Contact your RCGrelationship manager to inquire about WebEC options for your company ...

Product Bulletins & Notifications
Product Bulletins, Recall & Service Notifications Product recall notices, bulletins or other product specific notifications must be emailed to: Suppliers are responsible for sending product bulletins, recall notices or any correspondence related to products purchased by RCG or any affiliates to immediately upon issuance. ...

Message From Our Vice President of Supply Chain
Message From Our Vice President of Supply Chain At RCG, our goal is to provide authentic hospitality and excellent services by exceeding our guests expectations, taking ownership of any problem that is brought to our attention, and engaging in conduct that enhances our corporate reputation. In keeping with this goal, we respect fundamental human rights and core labor principles, recognize our responsibility to manage the environmental impact of our operations, and contribute to enhance the well-being of the communities we serve. We recognize that our Suppliers play an important role in achieving our success and best-in-class performance in our supply chains. Accordingly, we strive to develop mutually rewarding relationships with Suppliers who share and promote our values and high ethical standards within their organizations, operate with integrity in a legally, socially and environmentally responsible manner, and drive out cost while innovating to increase value. To reinforce ...

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions Where do I locate information regarding Port entry requirements? All Ports within the United States require both a TWIC Card and a Port ID. All suppliers making direct deliveries to a vessel are responsible for ensuring their representatives have the appropriate forms of identification. Suppliers must register all direct US Port deliveries using the Port Access Security System (PASS) a minimum of 48 hours in advance. Clickhere to for more information. To access the PASS application click on the PASS link in the tool bar above. International Ports of Call: Each country maintains their own entry requirements contact the port to verify entry requirements before making deliveries to RCGvessels. What is the difference between the RCGGlobal Regulatory Compliance Portal and the RCGSupplier Registration Portal hosted by Dun & Bradstreet? The RCGGlobal Regulatory Compliance Portal is where our new and existing su ...

Becoming a Royal Caribbean Cruises Supplier
Prospective Suppliers Becoming a Royal Caribbean GROUP Supplier Royal Caribbean Group (RCG) is focused on procuring products and services from suppliers that share our commitment to quality, safety, innovation, sustainability and customer satisfaction. We encourage research and development to generate new ideas, innovative solutions and programs to contain costs as a part of the normal business cycle. We expect our suppliers to commit to a process of continuous improvement in all areas. RCG maintains ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and international safety management system certifications and appreciates supplier's that adhere to similar management system protocols. Prospective suppliers should ensure all international maritime regulations and documentation are obtained and available upon request for any technical materials and goods, and should also obtain a Certification of Quality for any custom-made parts. All suppliers should have a quality and safety system appropriate for the t ...

Port Entry & Port Access Security System (PASS) Information
Port Access Security System (PASS) Active RCG suppliers are eligible to nominate a Supplier Portal Administrator and obtain access to secure content and the Port Access Security System. PASS provides active RCG suppliers the ability to register their scheduled pick-up and delivery information with United States Port Authorities. Access to the PASS application is available via your assigned username and password. To access the PASS application, click on the PASS ship icon in the tool bar above. For more information regarding Supplier Portal Administrator set-up clickhere. Port Entry Requirements All Ports within the United States require both a TWIC Card and a Port ID. All suppliers making direct deliveries to a vessel are responsible for ensuring their representatives have the appropriate forms of identification. Suppliers must register all direct US Port deliveries using the Port Access Security System (PASS) a minimum of 48 hours in advance. To access th ...

Supplier Procedures
SUPPLIER PROCEDURES Basic Operating Procedures Confirmation Requirements Purchase orders must be confirmed online within 48 hours of receipt. A confirmation is the acknowledgement that all line items will be delivered as specified including description, brand, pack size, price, quantity, and as per the terms of the purchase order including delivery location and delivery date. Any request to change a purchase order must be communicated online during the confirmation process using the available fields or via email to the corresponding Fleet Services Agent. If your request is accepted, an updated purchase order will be transmitted no later than the next business morning. The updated purchase order will require confirmation. Invoice Requirements Invoices must be on original letterhead including your supplier number, written in English and in the currency specified on the purchase order. Invoices must have name of ship, voyage number, delivery date, port/warehouse name and ad ...